Air-Quality Remote-Sensing Consulting, LLC
Air-Quality Remote-Sensing Consulting, LLC

Welcome to Air-Quality Remote-Sensing Consulting, LLC

With extensive experience in satellite remote sensing of atmospheric gases and aerosols, ground-based lidar remote sensing of  tropospheric ozone, and complex scientific analyses, AQRSC, LLC stands ready to assist you with  your atmospheric remote-sensing requirements. 


Air-Quality Remote-Sensing Consulting, LLC (AQRSC) performs customer-oriented research, development, and consulting on atmospheric aerosol and gas properties, their interactions, spatial/temporal variability, and impact on issues of interest to the customer.  

Expertise in a broad range of:

  • Sampling Platforms: surface-based, airborne, satellite-borne
  • Sampling Methods: remote to aspirated; in-situ to cryocooled preconcentration
  • Optical Sensing Methods: narrowband lidars to multiwavelength and broadband spectroscopy
  • Sampling Environments: atmosphere, laboratory, process line
  • Trace Constituents: gases to particles; pure to mixed; clean to polluted; natural to artificial
  • Applications: multidisciplinary  
Please contact us to determine whether our capabilities can solve your aerosol or gas problem.
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Air-Quality Remote-Sensing Consulting, LLC (AQRSC) - 159 Stoneway Trail; Madison, AL 35758 -